TGIF. The Get Up, Stand Up Edition.

Hubby and I saw the documentary, Marley, a few days ago and I was really surprised. Didn't know much about the man at all and, I admit, thought the whole movement was about smoking dope. I know, a little judgey. However, a good movie, great music, and I suspect inside Bob Marley was a little Jewish grandmother telling us all how to be better Happy Mothers' Day weekend and get out there and  spread the love.


  1. Have a great weekend. Hope you aren't working. And Happy Mother's Day.

  2. This should be the anthem for all meetings of The U.N. to remind them what they're there for.

  3. Inspired YouTube posting!

    Congrats on having seen the documentary.

    Happy Mother's Day!

    And thank you for putting me right up close to a mother I've known for 26 years, around whose table I've sat too many times to count, who hosted my husband and I before we were even married almost 24 years ago... Blahglandia is a small small world.


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