An American Tune

"...I don’t know a soul who’s not been battered

I don’t have a friend who feels at ease

I don’t know a dream that’s not been shattered

Or driven to its knees

Oh, but it’s all right, it’s all right

For lived so well so long

Still, when I think of the road

We’re traveling on

I wonder what went wrong.I can’t help it,

I wonder what’s gone wrong."

My car has a tape player. I know. You can barely find cassettes anymore, certainly not at the library, so when driving long distances I'm forced to hunt through any nooks and crannies I may have cleaned and stored old music. Found a box to throw in the car on this last drive up to Lake Erie with several from Paul Simon, including the concert at Central Park with Art. Still timely after all these years. And, now that I'm home I've suffered 12 hours at work with Simon and Garfunkle earworms in my head. You're welcome.

Please note: photo, Lake Erie sunset by Lisa DeJong


  1. It's tempting for me to think the long string of violence (natural and manmade) we've faced in the last few years is somehow worse than what came before. When I realize it isn't, it's more depressing than comforting: things aren't getting worse, it has always been this way.

  2. I know. When I think about the two world wars or think about life during the Tudors it's a wonder we're here and not curled up in a cave drawing on the walls. Hope must actually be sturdier than we give credit to. My people immigrated here in the 1840's. Me?? A day of sea-sickness and I'd be seriously rethinking that. hour.

  3. I amazed at how people have survived in the past too. I guess it's just something you do - that old one foot in front of the other thing. I've never seriously been tested - wonder how I would do?

    I have a tape player in my car too, but I bought a cassette adapter that I can plug into my MP3 player - it hooks it up to my car's sound system. And then I download library books onto the thing, which makes my daily commute from Cincinnati to Xenia that much more bearable :)

  4. Hi...I'm still here. Life has just gotten in the way between the death of my BFF of 41 years and my daughter's brain surgeries and hospitalization and getting ready to say goodbye to my son for a year as he deploys to Saudi Arabia. LOVE Simon and Garfunkle and will be reading all the posts I have sorely missed. Hope life is treating you well. As always, Dachsielvr (Ness)


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