Saturday in CinCity. The Dog Days Edition.

I suspect there will come a day not too far in the near future when I shall be sick of rain and dark dreary days. It t'ain't today, though. The heat wave is in full bloom and the weathermen keep promising a break to the high temperatures "Sunday and the beginning of next week...," but they are bloody, bloody liars sipping lattes in air-conditioned comfort. I think I might actually hate them.

I have a wedding to attend this evening. A joyful occasion for those of us who love the bride and love to see her happy. While searching for just the perfect visual aide I came across this photo from blueridgeblog. The photo and the blog are both too delicious to not share...

A Wedding Poem
by Thomas R. Smith

Bright faces surround the woman in white,
the man in black, the sweetness of their attention
to each other a shine rising toward the high ceiling.
The men watch the groom, and the women
the bride, as they speak their candle-lit vows,
as if there were something in it for us personally.

Worn by the distances we the already-married
have traveled down the road on which these two
are setting out, we leave the dust of the journey
outside the door of this house where tonight no word
is casual, no posture undignified, and each
becomes again handsome in them, beautiful in them.

please note: first photo by Robert Kruh, hummingbird by blueridgeblog


  1. Your friend will be fortunate to have you in attendance at her wedding.

    The photo is indeed fantastic and the poem is sublime.

  2. I suspect we may miss this heat in a few more months, but the humidity? Not so much.

    Enjoy the wedding.

    I love both photos and the poem is superb! Thanks for sharing the blog link.

  3. Oooo I love those words.....and
    I am sick of the heat too.....although there was a bit of a break
    when I was in Cincity 2 weekends ago....loved the game....smiles.

  4. Wow--that's just the kind of sun-through-the-leaves photo I'm always trying--yet failing--to get.

  5. What a fantastic poem. I am attending a wedding soon, and I have been having thoughts about this very we reflect on ourselves through others.


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