Lester Tells of Wanda and the Big Snow

by Paul Zimmer

Some years back I worked a strip mine
Out near Tylersburg. One day it starts
To snow and by two we got three feet.
I says to the foreman, "I'm going home."
He says, "Ain't you stayin' till five?"
I says, "I got to see to my cows,"
Not telling how Wanda was there at the house.
By the time I make it home at four
Another foot is down and it don't quit
Until it lays another. Wanda and me
For three whole days seen no one else.
We tunneled the drifts and slid
Right over the barbed wire, laughing
At how our heartbeats melted the snow.
After a time the food was gone and I thought
I'd butcher a cow, but then it cleared
And the moon come up as sweet as an apple.
Next morning the ploughs got through. It made us sad.
It don't snow like that no more. Too bad.

please note: photo by Nathaniel W. Casey


  1. Yes - too bad indeed. Have been in snow like that and loved it too! So secluded - so alone in the whole wide world of white. Beautiful! Diamonds in the moonlight - a glare so bright it hurts your eyes. Perfect.

  2. Once, for a year, when I was been 14 and a half and 15 and a half, I lived 5 miles out of a town on Route 66 in Oklahoma with 3 other younger teenagers and 2 adults. The adults were destroying their second marriage and by summertime it would be all gone. For one glorious day or two they got snowed out and we got snowed in. It was great.


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