
by Dawn Potter

It was darker then, in the nights when the cars
Came sliding around the traffic circle, when the headlights
Speckled with rain traveled the bedroom walls
and vanished; when the typewriter, the squeaking chair,
the slow voice of the radio stirred the night air like a fan.
Of course, the ones we loved were beautiful—
slim, dark-haired, intent on their books.
The rain came swishing against the lamp-lit windows.
The cat purred in his chair. A clock sang,
and we lay nearly asleep, almost dreaming,
almost alone, nearly gone—the days fly so;
and the nights, like sleep, disappear without memory.


  1. Yes, time goes by quickly especially when you have children to mark out the years and your memories of their babyhood seem pale and distant. Where did it all go? So surprised to see the new magpie header. Plenty of them about here - heard a beauty warble today. It's always a pleasure to check in. Glad you are still going strong.

  2. Lovely poem about time. And love your new header.

  3. I love your new header! Wonderful, yet sad, poem.

  4. Thank you!!...with 6-9 more inches of snow expected today it was time for Monet's Magpies to move on. Maybe can head on into spring, at least in Blogsville.

  5. Beautiful poem, thank you. Love the new header also! Hope spring gets to you soon.


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