Saturday in CinCity. The Whoopee!! Called Off Work Due to Low Census Edition.

Went to the ballet last night with Hubby to see Over the Rhine, a local band a step shy from fame, performing with the dance company.

Or, rather the dance company performed an homage to the band. The affection between the two groups of talent was electric and palpable. Not every dance/song combination hit it, but the many that did were transcendent. The moments that give you goosebumps. Really. It was that good.

It's my weekend to work, but received an early morning phone call asking did I want to stay home? Well, of course I do. The sun is shining. I have schmoodles of homework. Hubby and HoneyHaired will be at work so perhaps I could cleanse some of the flotsum jetsum out of the corners and crevices of this house. I could even make a little dinner if I damn well wanted to. Which, maybe I will and maybe I won't.

First,I want to read a critical analysis of a dietary business plan involving a bariatric surgical center and post a thoughtful response on our student group discussion board. Yes, indeedy, of course I do. Pot of coffee is on and yellow marker is in hand.

Hoping your week's end is sunny and restful and full of helpful, unexpected surprises. "...ridiculous and sublime..."

Clay County

by John Hodgen

Just past Kellie Mae's Klip 'n' Dip Beauty Salon
and the cement slab, cinder blocks, and rusty tin roof
of the Lawtey Grace Community Evangelical Church,
and behind the saw grass and scrub brush along Pitchkettle Road,
a young black girl stands dawdling with one foot behind the other,
her toe digging rhythmically into the red clay of her driveway,
her heel wagging cozily like a cat's tail, a metronome,
as she talks to a young man on a motorcycle,
his red helmet still on, true biker of love.

And just before the buckwheat field that opens lonely as grace,
the field with the massive trees in the middle, shattered by
a slender roan horse feeds under its basilica of broken branches,
because he knows that is the place
where the soft tufts of grass
taste the sweetest.

please note: ballet photo by Jennifer Denham
photo of CinCity by kyfirefighter


  1. Love those transcendant moments. What a voice she has! Really clever video, too. And of course I love the poem.
    Hope you complete all you set out to do with your "free" weekend, and still have time left over for fun!

  2. Sunshine and clear skies!!!! Been a long time coming. So glad you have the opportunity to enjoy ♡

  3. So did you make dinner ? The suspense is killing me.

    Loved the Over the Rhine song/video... good stuff for sure.

  4. LOL! Stouffer's lasagna and leftover salad :>)!

  5. You’re so cool! I don’t think I’ve read anything like this before. It is so good to find somebody that has original thoughts on this subject. Thanks for starting this up.


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