Tuesday in CinCity. The Five Days Before Christmas Edition.

Lilac Sunday

by Diana Der-Hovanessian

Let us agree to meet

here some winter

when the park

gates are locked,

and the arches thinned

of their vaulting green

to climb the wall,

thaw the icicles

and watch the rain

like flowering

cherry and lilacs

that kissed your hair;

some winter

when the fog is heavy,—

to return to this light.

Neither I nor CinCity have fallen off the edge of the world, though I can't say with certainty what I've been doing. I'm sure that driving aimlessly around the town was involved.
Biggest news is that CollegeGrrrl had her nursing pinning and graduated this past Saturday and Sunday.

Lovely day and lots of proud parents and families
filling the auditorium. Some of the graduating nurses were pinned by their children and/or their grandparents
--always a tearjerker. Not that I needed any prompting.
I remembered the night before we left for CollegeTown that we had a dog to care for, and no plans made. He stayed with the new graduate and her roomie and he's still there. They wanted to keep him till our grrrl comes home on Wednesday. Did not bat an eye when we left
and has started his own Occupy Movement there.
I've been trying to get all the shopping done and figure out food for the week. Turns out CollegeGrrrrl--who will need to be renamed...Blondie for now??--has foresworn all meat and dairy, so I'm flipping through recipes I have stuffed in nooks and crannies around the kitchen. I found a Lobster Risotto which sounds very yummy,
and also have a favorite which we call, Pepperoni Rigatoni, but it's really vegetarian. I just threw in some meat to satisfy my husband's flesh-eating requests. And seriously, what is pepperoni made of?
Let the count-down continue...
where's Santa?


  1. Pinning ceremonies are so special. Congratulations to you all and a special, welcome to the fold, to Blondie.

  2. I would have been crying and she's not even my CollegeGrrrl. Congratulations to you all. That's a huge accomplishment. And just in time for a brand-spanking New Year.


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