Saturday in CinCity. The Day After Two 12Hrs in Neurodramaville Edition.

I was very much hoping to go to the above cafe tonight and listen to a little music and eat a little cafe food. Hubby, however, is still recovering from a horrible gastrointestinal virus that he picked up in his ER which I'm crossing my fingers and hoping is only passed on in his ER. Don't want it. And would like to be away from sick people for a night. Ahhh, well, next weekend is another two days.

It's cold here. Maybe feels colder because we've had such a mild time of it so far, but that wind is piercing. Good time to computer shop for a down parka on sale especially since we're saving money by not going out. I do love a win-win :>)

Fishing in the Keep of Silence

by Linda Gregg

There is a hush now while the hills rise up

and God is going to sleep. He trusts the ship

of Heaven to take over and proceed beautifully

as He lies dreaming in the lap of the world.

He knows the owls will guard the sweetness

of the soul in their massive keep of silence,

looking out with eyes open or closed over

the length of Tomales Bay that the herons

conform to, whitely broad in flight, white

and slim in standing. God, who thinks about

poetry all the time, breathes happily as He

repeats to Himself: There are fish in the net,

lots of fish this time in the net of the heart.

photography by: Byongsun Ahn


  1. Oh I think it really IS that cold :) And we ate at SONIC today - in our car. We're crazy. But it was good - guaranteed to have us end up in the ER someday I'm sure.

    Hope your husband feels better soon. Good luck coat shopping!

  2. I think I can heartily endorse North Face outerwear. I have a 3 in one coat. Wear the quilted down coat alone as one coat for when it's 40 degrees out, or wear the outer coat alone when it's damp or raining. Pair the two for weather like this for coat #3. It was well worth its obscene price, but then I spend all of my shift, five nights a week, out in whatever Mother Nature decides to dish out.

    I hope the GI bug stays put. I have one word of advice for that: Bleach!

  3. Oh, James Taylor. That voice is sterling. I love love love his rendition of "In the Bleak Midwinter." It brings tears to my eyes. I remember when his first album came out; my sister brought it home, and I took one look at the cover photo and fell madly and deeply in love. Sweet Baby James indeed.


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