Cuppa Kindness..."Please, Sir, Could I Have More?"

This is a season when FoodBanks across the country are asking for help and donations. I'm sure your local one is, I know our FreeStore is, and our neighbors to the northeast have also been hard hit. Cups of Kindness is offering beautiful artwork and pottery with monies going to the Foodbank of the Akron/Canton area. Rather risky items for the herd of hippos living in this household, but I see several things that look perfect for the aunties and grannies in the family. Take a look when you have time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you so much for posting about COK, Annie. It is we the people who make a difference. You, in critical care, make a difference each time you go into your unit. The power of ONE...

  3. I've been involved in several food drives this fall. My advice is if someone is coming to pick up food from your doorstep (like the Boy Scouts), go to the grocery store and shop with that in mind and leave a full bag if you can! Include a "luxury" item like good cookies, coffee, tea, a box of chocolates...


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