Wednesday Night Waltz

Hump Day here in CinCity, though for me Tuesday and Wednesday have become my two days off and so more like a weekend. That is if you went to classes on the weekend. But, whatever, they're two days that I'm not wearing scrubs and peering into unsuspecting folks' eyes with a bright light looking for a little pupillary action. Up at the literal crack of dawn to drive the grrrrls on the street to their future alma mater. Since it's not freezing I don't mind the morning drive. The sky is a beautiful patchwork of indigo and the school's golden dome glows from blocks away. It's really quite handsome.

I mostly have reading to do today. No discussion boards which I think take up a lot of time, although one can do the discussing in PJ's with the radio on in the background and a hubby explaining some important opinion concerning a piece of news, so there is that. Tomorrow I meet with the heat stress study group to go over the results of last year's live fire drill with the fire chief of Sycamore Township. A co-worker friend is filling in for me at work so I can miss the first couple of hours at the hospital. She's actually married to a firefighter so perhaps something we learn will be of benefit for her family.

Work has been busy with all beds filled and patients waiting for the next available one. Chemical explosion, lots of slips and falls, and a "found down" after 5 days. He had family who thought they were communicating with him on FaceBook, only to find out a friend was using his account. There's your next Law and Order episode. He's what we call in this business a "train wreck" and the family is completely and overwhelmingly devastated.

We spent yesterday afternoon at City Hall sitting through a city council meeting where a resolution was passed to support the Clifton community in reopening our beloved grocery store. Thursday a group is going up to Columbus to meet with the governor. Stay tuned for breaking news.

Here's a little something to get you through the mid-week fatigue. I do love to waltz. And, I do love me some Bubba.


by Marjorie Pickthallby

Now in the West the slender moon lies low,
And now Orion glimmers through the trees,
Clearing the earth with even pace and slow,
And now the stately-moving Pleiades,
In that soft infinite darkness overhead
Hang jewel-wise upon a silver thread.

And all the lonelier stars that have their place,
Calm lamps within the distant southern sky,
And planet-dust upon the edge of space,
Look down upon the fretful world, and I
Look up to outer vastness unafraid
And see the stars which sang when earth was made.

please note: photo of school by Cincinnati Daily Photo


  1. Greetings from "bubba-ville", at least that is how they are describing my city in the news lately.....just because we "won" the DNC in 2012.....and now they question our BBQ?....smiles.

  2. Interesting collection of news... I hope your grocery store will be saved. And the train wreck too. A chance to start over ?

    Found a british magpie the other day, with you in mind, which was posted yesterday, among some other odds and ends from London...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. LOL, Emom, messing with a city's BBQ is like messing with their chili--Off Limits!!

    Owen,I'll go back and look at your posting on my next self-imposed break. I'm a tad behind reading everyone's...
    I think the grocery store might have a better shot at a second chance than my poor patient. 5 days down does a lot of damage to the body. It is so, so sad.


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