Kidney Stone. Dislike.


  1. Oh, no! I empathize. Drink, drink, drink. My urologist recommended beer, so I'm just passing along her advice.

  2. Yeouch.

    Well, this too shall pass (pun intended...).

  3. Very nice photo metaphor.

    Hope you are feeling much better sooner than later!

  4. OH, NO!! I'm so sorry to hear that.
    Two knee surgeries, a shoulder bone that was just shaved to give me room in the inflamed capsule, 2 natural childbirths, one back labor aided by epidural, one wicked concussion later, NOTHING is worse that the kidney stone I had some 18 years ago. I am a water addict now. Never never never want to go through that again. Pass that little demon! That's what I'll be praying for when I light a little candle for you this evening.

  5. Hubby and Daughter have both been through that pain. So sorry!


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