Wednesday in CinCity. The Thanks for Sharing the Cold from Hell Edition.

 In Praise of the Great Bull Walrus

by Alden Nowlan

I wouldn't like to be one

of the walrus people

for the rest of my life

but I wish I could spend

one sunny afternoon

lying on the rocks with them.

I suspect it would be similar

to drinking beer in a tavern

that caters to longshoremen

and won't admit women.

We'd exchange no

cosmic secrets. I'd merely say,

"How yuh doin' you big old walrus?"

and the nearest of

the walrus people

would answer,

"Me? I'm doin' great.

How yuh doin' yourself,

you big old human being, you?"

How good it is to share

the earth with such creatures

and how unthinkable it would have been

to have missed all this

by not being born:

a happy thought, that,

for not being born is

the only tragedy

that we can imagine

but need never fear.


  1. I once had a huge Walrus spit all over me at SeaWorld or somewhere...couldn't really blame him, though...

  2. LOL!! but ooooooohhh...I've probably had worse on me, but that sounds fishy-er and slimier!

  3. Walrus love....but never been close enough to talk....smiles.

  4. What a fun distraction, to imagine spending time with the great Bull Walrus.

    I gave you one of my weekly Goddess Awards so others might enjoy the trip too.

  5. I'm came at the recommendation of The Everyday Goddess, and I'm glad I did. Fun post. I especially like this bit:

    I suspect it would be similar
    to drinking beer in a tavern
    that caters to longshoremen
    and won't admit women.

    Bet it would smell similar too. ;-)

  6. I like that! We need never fear the biggest tragedy!

    Just stopped by from Toasting the Posts of the Week.

  7. Woohoo....anything like cow slobber??? Heeehehehe!!!

    God bless and have a beautiful week sweetie!!!


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