A Prayer among Friends


by John Daniel

Among other wonders of our lives, we are alive

with one another, we walk here

in the light of this unlikely world

that isn't ours for long.

May we spend generously

the time we are given.

May we enact our responsibilities

as thoroughly as we enjoy

our pleasures. May we see with clarity,

may we seek a vision

that serves all beings, may we honor

the mystery surpassing our sight,

and may we hold in our hands

the gift of good work

and bear it forth whole, as we

were borne forth by a power we praise

to this one Earth, this homeland of all we love.

There was a fire here by the university on New Year's morning. Five kids got out and two were carried out by firefighters and brought to the hospital. When I say "kids" I mean college students--20 year olds. Of the two at our place, the young man died a few days ago and the young girl is struggling against all odds. So, all that is left is prayers to which my friend Debra says, "You can never have too many," and I reply, "and sometimes not enough."

please note: photograph by Devon Young


  1. Wow. Sobering, but a lovely prayer of a poem. Thank you.

  2. Hard to imagine the pain of the victims and the anguish of those around them. Sending peaceful thoughts.


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Hey, thanks for your thoughts and your time:>)

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