I Know I Should Be Thinking Deep Thoughts...


...being that's it's the second inauguration of this country's first African-American president on the very day we celebrate Martin Luther King. I love this president and revere Mr. King, but I got nothing. I'm gonna percolate on this and try to be pithy and reflective at some point in my day. What I really want to talk about is the Downton Abbey episode last night, and the reports I keep getting on FaceBook that it's -20 in Fargo, and the events surrounding the young woman I wrote about a few days ago reported on the front page of our http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20130119/NEWS/301200040&Ref=AR">"> 
daily paper yesterday morning
 and the fact that Hubby is working today and I'm off which allows me to toss and purge some of the flotsam and jetsam in this house without having every bag and pile second guessed. With the inauguration playing in the background.

One thing which remains certain in this world is that life is full of incredible miracles and devastating tragedy, often in the same day and often in the same event.

Perhaps for those not in love with President Obama we can celebrate this day as the true celebration of our democracy.

"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."--Dr. Martin Luther King


  1. I enjoyed the inauguration a lot - the poem (as you know), the speech - and even Chuck Schumer. In fact, this was my facebook status at some point today: Can I move to NY so I can vote for Chuck Schumer?


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