Sister, Can You Spare The Time?

This past summer we spent two weeks in one of our most favorite places in the world with two of our most favorite people. Last week one of those people, the "best man" at our wedding, underwent a mastectomy and is now learning about her options for chemo and radiation therapy. If she were my blood sister I would sign up for this study in a hot second, but she's not, and I can't. I can spend money for products that donate to research, but I can offer very little hands-on help for my friend and it's breaking my heart. If anyone out in the blogosphere is interested and eligible for a sisters' study check out Army of Women.

please note: art by Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey


  1. So sorry to hear about your friend and I'll be thinking healthy thoughts for her. One of my former bosses who became a friend was diagnosed last summer. It was a shock, as I know your friend's diagnosis and surgery has been for you.
    My sister is healthy. But our cousin is a breast cancer survivor of 8 years. I just forwarded the website link to her sister, our other cousin.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts. Prayers can do wonders, but the power of an Army of Women is a fearsome idea. I'm glad someone thought of harnessing it. Perhaps if many of us posted it on our blogs just to get the word out we could make a small difference.


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Hey, thanks for your thoughts and your time:>)

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