"...for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

The Bat
by Jane Kenyon

I was reading about rationalism,
the kind of thing we do up north
in early winter, where the sun
leaves work for the day at 4:15

Maybe the world is intelligible
to the rational mind;
and maybe we light the lamps at dusk
for nothing...

Then I heard the wings overhead.

The cats and I chased the bat
in circles—living room, kitchen,
pantry, kitchen, living room...
At every turn it evaded us

like the identity of the third person
in the Trinity: the one
who spoke through the prophets,
the one who astounded Mary
by suddenly coming near.

please note: art by Henry Ossawa Tanner


  1. wonderful poem by sweet jane, may she rest in peace...

    I had flashes of us chasing a bat around in circles, I had a cast on my leg and my husband was freaking because of the threat of 'disease.' all our cats were most amused and after a thirty minute chase - finally my husband caught the bat in his baseball glove as it turned a corner....

    the memory always brings a smile....

    what a hauntingly beautiful picture - who is the artist?

  2. p.s. I love your most witty comment on the mouse! how I love a good groan....

  3. Perhaps the Mouse' husband needs a job with the Detroit Tigers. It couldn't hurt.

  4. It's just me, but I think the painting far exceeds the poem. She lost me with the trinity stuff.....

  5. I love bats! Happy Valentine'sDay a bit early! XOXO

  6. How much of our life do we spend chasing what evades us rather than being still and listening?

  7. Perhaps the Mouse' husband needs a job with the Detroit Tigers. It couldn't hurt.


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