Hello, September


by Wendell Berry

I go by a field where once

I cultivated a few poor crops.

It is now covered with young trees,

for the forest that belongs here

has come back and reclaimed its own.

And I think of all the effort

I have wasted and all the time,

and of how much joy I took

in that failed work and how much

it taught me. For in so failing

I learned something of my place,

something of myself, and now

I welcome back the trees.

please note: photo, Young Trees by Ryan Houston


  1. Hello September indeed
    And may the earth return to trees...

    Best wishes to our dear distracted one...

  2. Lovely words...and image....smiles

  3. I do love Mr. Berry's quiet power; thank you. How did it get to be September, anyway? (image is perfection, btw)

  4. Beautiful photo and beautiful words.


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Hey, thanks for your thoughts and your time:>)

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