Saturday in CinCity

I have been a bit lost after the death of my friend. The topography of my life has been altered. C.S.Lewis called it the Shadowlands; I view it as the MiddleLands. Robin's deep, abiding love for her family is in one direction and the action to leave her children that was undeniably made is in the other. We are traveling through the middle land where the geography is unmapped, and where I have to believe God and His Spirit walks with us. One has to just keep walking in the stillness.

But, the earth keeps moving at a thousand miles/hour and dinners require cooking, cars need repairing, and daughters are preparing to go off to college. HoneyHaired moves into the dorm on Thursday and today we are going to the opening of the ballet season. New Works, where the choreography loosens up a little and some non-classical performances can take place. Gotta keep stepping.


  1. Love and Light to you. My girls are both home for the time being, to be with their Grandpa as he passed. And so it goes, I guess.

  2. Much, much love to you and yours.

  3. When someone has committed suicide, if someone has, it is a courageous act and a priceless gift to say so--for she who has made that action and to those who have and will inevitably suffer in the silence of that very particular unsaid.

    I write that as someone whose mother loved her and killed herself nevertheless.

    Whatever the case may be regarding the nature of your friend's death, I am sorry about her loss to you and her larger extended family.

    I am compelled to comment because it will be the fury that complicates the mourning, based upon my limited experience, and it can help to be able to be furious, eventually, with the suicide as distinguished from the loving woman who has been lost.

    If you prefer not to have this comment on your blog, please remove it and I will take no offense, nor is any intended.


  4. No offence taken. The fact that she made this decision does complicate the grief for many reasons--guilt,the persistent unanswered question Why?, as well as her loss. But,I have found, all deaths have their questions and MiddleLands to traverse. Peace and Love right back at you.

  5. Just last night, my friend of many years talked with me about the loss of her mother (my friend was 8) which we are assuming happened because of suicide. There were many combined pressures in that case, including abuse. I think of suicide, in many cases, as the result of a terminal illness - of severe depression, or despair - that is invisible to the rest of us. How lonely that journey is, though, for the sufferer. May peace be upon her and her family, and all who loved her.

  6. Thank you, all.

    I do believe that we as a society are much more understanding of allowing someone to "stop fighting" when we know the physical strain of an illness--cancer and chemotherapy, chronic heart disease, etc., but know little about the impact of a chronic depression. I don't claim to know much either and suspect that the meds were somewhat contributory, but all that is moot. I will say that for those bearing any grief right now the national and public mourning of Sept 11 feels to me very compressive. I will be glad to see Sept 12 come rolling through.

  7. Grief is cruel. It comes unannounced and at odd times, striking hard and overwhelmingly. Time helps, but there remain raw spots always. My sympathies. I understand so much more than you know.


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