Smoke and Bodies, to Lost Brothers

Moving through the bodies that travel my mornings
I am sorry to learn of Tom’s death. He and my father,
all exiting the comfort of home and
an English teacher at Oak Hills, were
grabbing our coffees and conversations to go
great friends. I remember his wit,
in and out doorways. Sidewalks bubble with breath,
vibrancy, and passion like yesterday. I’m sorry for the loss
buses stop and go, backpacks and briefcases block the path,
of your fossil-collecting uncle, brother, and son.
Smoke and bodies fill my eyes.
My deepest condolences.

This originated from a quote I read in Newsweek, "I saw smoke and bodies."-Mohammed Kadhem, witness to a suicide bomb attack killing fifty-two in the Shi'ite holy city of Karbala, Iraq on March 17, 2008.


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