The Chill Factor

please note: photo by 5chw4r7z

Opposing Forces
by Eamon Grennan

Even in this sharp weather there are lovers everywhere
holding onto each other, hands in one another's pockets
for warmth, for the sense of I'm yours, the tender claim
it keeps making ? one couple stopping in the chill
to stand there, faces pressed together, arms around
jacketed shoulders so I can see bare hands grapple
with padding, see the rosy redness of cold fingers
as they shift a little, trying to register through fold
after fold, This is my flesh feeling you you're feeling.

It must be some contrary instinct in the blood
that sets itself against the weather like this, brings
lovers out like early buds, like the silver-grey catkins
I saw this morning polished to brightness
by ice overnight. Geese, too: more and more couples
voyaging north, great high-spirited congregations
taking the freezing air in and letting it out
as song, as if this frigid enterprise were all joy,
nothing to be afraid of.


  1. Love that last verse. I shall play all day with the idea of enjoying frigid enterprise. Thank you for that.

  2. Well this was beautiful. It's so cold though, I've seen little of our neighborhood critters.

  3. Lovely words, put together so nicely.
    I must say, though, I am getting tired of this frigid enterprise...

  4. brrrr. I must say that since the "bird strike" by the Hudson flight the last part of this piece makes me really sad. I so admire and love the way geese admire and love one another.
    (Thank you for your comment to my last post, spurring me to a follow-up post.)

  5. This brings back fond memories of my first love and walking with my hand tucked in his pocket...


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