Coming Home In the Cold Light of Morning

"If deep cold made a sound, it would be the scissoring and gnashing of a skater's blades against hard gray ice, or the screeching the snow sets up when you walk across it in the blue light of afternoon. The sound might be the stamping of feet at bus stops and train stations, or the way the almost perfect clarity of the audible world on an icy day is muted by scarves and mufflers pulled up over the face and around the ears."
--Verlyn Klinkenborg, The Rural Life


  1. Those are indeed the sounds the cold makes. Great picture.

  2. It's from a book I picked up around Christmas--I think you might like it. It's a bit from his journal of a year, month by month. This is obviously from January and so true these last bitter cold days we've been having.

  3. Oh when did summer leave?
    The redtail hawk hunts
    the day's dwindling light
    for every hare is gone
    and the mower drone
    lays waste
    the summer growth
    where life covered earth,
    now winter rattles
    the scattered leaves
    from the tattered bones.

  4. That's beautiful, jfrancis. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. I love this photo, the muted colors and thin quality of the light.


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