Let Us Now Praise Famous Men And Dreamers

"I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear."

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I found the video below from a very interesting and visually beautiful blog,Mouse Medicine. She has written there about the award-winning documentary, playing for change/peace through music. Mouse takes fabulous photos of her city of choice, Cleveland, Ohio, and shows a strong social activist streak clearly noted by a picture of Margaret Meade and her oft quoted comment about the work of thoughtful, committed citizens.

HoneyHaired Grrrl and I volunteered this morning at an orphanage across the river painting hallways and alcoves with other housewives, college kids, and folks from the neighborhood in our efforts to honor this day. Trying to decide on an afternoon movie since we're all off today. It's 2:1 for Gran Torrino with Clint Eastwood so far. I doubt there will be doves and rainbows coming out of anyone's backsides on that screen...


  1. What a great way to spend the day with Honey. It is up to us to show our children how to lead the way. Service to others is important. Enjoy the movie.

  2. What a lovely thing to do :-).
    Happy Martin Luther King day.


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