Balloons and Birdies and Dogs, Oh My...

Sweet, sweet, sweet. Just saw the new Pixar movie, Up, Monday evening and had dinner at a favorite restaurant overlooking the river. Back away from your computer right now--PJ's on? Middle of the night? Already at work? Whatever--leave it all behind and go see this movie. It's darling. Lots to enjoy for all the age groups in this family. The music is perfection. We did not see the 3-D version, but think we shall return for a "do-over" sometime this summer.


  1. I love all the Pixar movies and will add to my blockbuster list!

  2. That looks ace!... think we have to wait for films over here, it'll probably be out for christmas though...

  3. I thought this would be a fun movie to check out. I'm excited for my little one to be a wee bit older so we can go catch a flick together. Glad you enjoyed it!!

  4. I love pixar movies. In fact, I watched Wall-E with my son last night. Maybe I'll go see Up while it's still in the theater.

  5. Huge Pixar fans here,too. Right from the days of the little desk lamp. But, as always, we wait until it hits the cable rental...Glad you liked this one!

  6. Hooray! A movie review!

    I'm looking forward to this movie. Pixar just does things right doesn't it?

    Don't you love the swing and sway of balloon swings in the wind?

  7. I love Disney and Pixar. I guess I'll never grow up... :)

  8. Oh, thank heavens. Now I'll go see it. I have to admit Pixar is pretty darn original. My favorite like of all time from a Pixar movie is "Kitty!" from Monster's Inc. Never fails to send me over the edge with laughter. Thanks for the review!

  9. my interest was picqued when I saw the preview a while back, but now reading your review I will make a point of seeing it on the big screen! especially when I need a lift! sounds great!

  10. I've heard nothing but thumbs-ups for this one. And I love Ed Asner's cranky old voice!


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