find the cost of freedom buried in the ground...

I have torn speech like a tattered robe and let words go;
you who are still dressed in your clothes, sleep on.
--Jalaluddin Rumi, Iranian poet, translated by Jack Marshall

Support human rights in Iran.

please note: photo from


  1. What poignancy from Rumi, and what a terrible situation.

  2. Thank you, DTBO. It's so hard to watch, and so necessary. My heart goes out to our Iranian brothers and sisters.

  3. I mean DBSO -- my fingers and brain find it a tad early.

  4. I can't even get started on other Countries and how they treat their people ... I don't even want to imagine what it must be like to live there.

  5. I can only hope that the writers who said that Michael Jackson's death will doom the protest movement in Iran (by distracting the rest of us so that we forget about it) were wrong. Beautiful quote...and now I have that CSNY song I haven't thought about so long in my head...have to go dig that one out....

  6. for speech and freedom
    are Siamese twins.

  7. Love the way you went from the post title to the labels to run the lyrics through here... simply one of the most powerful songs ever written. I saw Stephen Stills play in Paris back last fall, posted about the show twice back in October & November. He was still going strong. Iran must be a nightmare for alot of people there these days.


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