Meditation on the Word Need

by Linda Rodriguez

The problem with words of emotion
is how easily meaning drains
from their fiddle-sweet sounds
and they become empty instruments.
I can say love
and mean desire to give—
open-handed, open-hearted—
or I am drawn to the light
shining from your soul—
or my life is empty without you—
or I want to run my hands
and mouth down the length of you—
or all of these at once.

Need, now, is a plain word.
I need a nail to hang this picture.
I need money to pay my bills.
I need air and light,
water and food,
shelter from storm and sun and cold.
To be healthy,
to be sane,
to survive,
I need you.


  1. Perfect. Perfect words - perfect sentiment - perfect capture. Perfect.

  2. Good reminder of the power of taking time and effort to say what is really meant - what is really true.

  3. Love it; definitely one of my favorites... :)

  4. You find the most beautiful poems. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  5. That's another proof that it is always worth to visit your site - even if it's close to three in the morning!
    Please have a nice start into the new week.

  6. Just back from holiday!
    Love this....thank you....Smiles...

  7. Wow, what a surprise. This is my first visit to your
    blog and you have the poem that my husband put in my birthday card. I was touched on July 1st and again today. Thanks. He is a special guy. You can check him out at


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