Advice to Young Poets

by Martin Espada

Never pretend
to be a unicorn
by sticking a plunger on your head


  1. Love it! Best advice I have had all week!

  2. Words of wisdom, unless you are a plumber who likes to pretend.

  3. Love it! I'm going to post this one on my bathroom mirror.

  4. Roger that, Lady Guinevere!

    Good thing you got this up today because I was just on my way to the bathroom and the temptation is always there, staring up from the floor, to the left to the toilet.

    Merci infiniement,

  5. I agree, but tiaras are so last season. What is one to do?

  6. *laughing at all the comments*

    I nominated you dear girl - I hope you don't mind!

  7. Hilarious...

    I suppose the sequel might be something like (?) :

    Never pretend
    To be an ostrich
    By sticking your head in the toilet


  8. Wonderful! And great ripostes as well.

  9. Interesting advice. I'd never thought of this before.

  10. I've heard it said that boys cannot resist putting something with a suction cup on their forehead. So far, I find that true.

  11. Oh, if only someone had told me this years ago!

  12. Love this!... A friend of mine's brother was once showing off in the milking parlour, he stuck one of the milking cups on his chin.... we had to go turn the machine!
    It reminded me of that, could be a farmers poem to young farmers; "Never pretend to be a cow's pap by sticking a suction cup to your chin"..


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