Pink and White

by Deborah Garrison

Peonies are the only flower I care for
and when I saw them from the window
yesterday, tumbled and heavy along
a fence, fully exploded, nodding
at the ground, hanging their heads but not
yet spoiled, I remembered
a summer (maybe seven years
ago, or was it ten?) I wasn't sure
our love would come again,
and here I am, almost

kissing the grass like that,
bursting and rich, cracked
all over like broken cake—
makes you cry but still sweet.


  1. Aging ? Cracked all over ? Will love come again ?

    May we give up the things of our youth gracefully... I think I'm beginning to understand why people can have a mid life crisis... flowers bending over that want to rise straight up toward the sky again... ? I wonder at the wist in wisteria...

    Your poems are always a pleasure...

  2. Hi,

    Good poem enjoyed reading it.

    Just came by to say hello.

    Hope you are doing well and enjoying summer.


  3. I love mine. It's in the front yard. Same thing ... just when it gets gorgeous ... it rains and it touches the ground.

  4. Peonies are very special. The closest replica of their perfume is Diorissimo by Dior. It, and they,are the essence of summer.

  5. Very nice. Haha-word verification is bilbo. Hobbits, anyone?

  6. Oh, this is wonderful, wonderful!


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