"My Summer Vacation"

Kathleen has noted that I "haven't been around the neighborhood much lately," which is true. VGrrrrl noted in a recent post that the blogging world seems a little quiet and wondering if it was a seasonal phenomenom. To be honest, I have been reading in the neighborhood, just not much commenting. By way of explanation, here is my essay on "What I Did on My Summer Vacation."---

After 17 years of doing NOTHING with this house, Hubby has decided that NOW is the time. So, we're looking at paint chips(adobe cream, Sherwood Forest green) for the porches and trim, and metal roof companies, and deciding on whether to repaint or strip the front doors and go with the wood(wood).

He also hates mowing the front yard and has been moving towards a natural habitat that involves a lot of violets-gone-wild over the lawn and, basically, weeds. With the assistance of several federal mediators from Washington we've reached a compromise--mow a path through the natural habitat and give me spaces to plant some wildflowers and butterfly bushes. Now I'm obsessed with remembering where native wildflowers can be found in my forays around town. And I have poison ivy.

Since we're looking into travel nursing in the next two years, I figure I can use the time to review all the critical care nursing stuff that I have forgotten the details of in the past thirty years. So, I'm studying the CCRN exam(critical care RN)book which begins with the chapter on Cardiology. And sarcolemmas. And ATP/ADP and phosphorylation. I'm still on page 12...

However, I'm on page 436 of The Autobiography of Henry VIII and have become obsessed with all things Tudor, especially Showtime's DVDs, The Tudors. Purely for a love of history. Yep. Love that history.

And as all summers require, I drive and wander around the town quite a lot. HoneyHaired is presently volunteering at a daycamp and needs to get there and back. And my 84 year old mother has required multiple doctors' appointments which mean Hubby or I, or both, drive her there and back and sit and sit and sit. (Thus page 436 of good old Henry. Thanks, buddy, for the intrigue. Really, really appreciate it).

I've considerably increased my intake of Advil with a Pilates class on the Sundays I don't work, swing/bebop/shag on Tuesday nights, and ballet on Thursdays. Can't remember the steps to save my life, but what-the-hell-ever.
Not dancing related, but saw the opera, Ainadamar, with HoneyHaired last Saturday and have tickets for all of us to see Carmen next Sunday. And I'm hoping today's rain sticks around and we can see Harry Potter tonight. In case of sun we shall be seeing the free Concert on the Green this evening. Tango, I believe.

Hope your summers are refreshing and not gas guzzling, though it's hard to be both. Most of all I hope everyone is enjoying these lazy, crazy days of summer as best they can. HoneyHaired starts back to school August 11, so ours feels a bit compressed at the moment. And, in thirty minutes it's time to pick her up again...


  1. Glad your summer is going well.. our's is being crammed into the dry moments.. today was the first that hasn't contained rain for a few weeks, so the yard has been weeded and the strawberries have ripened over the course of the day!... *exhale... it feels good to have been outside all day :-)

  2. Thank you so....I love the muppets....and how appropo..."Me,me,me"....it's all I can think of...

  3. That photo has inspired me: from now on, in all group photographs, I will insist upon reclining languidly. I suggest you do the same.

  4. It is wonderful your summer is going well. At The Farm work never ceases. I look forward to the day I can retire and work full time on the farm.

  5. My! Such energy and zest! You are an inspiration to the more truly languid among us.

  6. Reading about all that's going on in your life and one question rises to the top...."You are taking a ballet class?!?!?" I want to see video of that.

    I LOVE getting lost in paint chips. No matter what I go to Lowe's for, I always find myself in the paint aisle looking at all the lovely colors. My dream job would be coming up with paint names. Or naming fingernail polish/lipstick. Or tasting ice cream.

  7. A busy, productive, and catching up with the Tudors kind of summer. I have a wildflower front yard - no grass. But, we are in the Mts of CO. Just strew the seeds and pray a little plus make sure they get some water early in spring. You need to be willing to enjoy whatever you get - patience is also a virtue.

  8. Ah, summer. It's the depths of Winter here; everyone in the house - except me - is sniffling and hacking and I'm on high alert for cases of the swine flu(remember that?). No chance of any work getting done around our house or garden, or dancing. But there are lots of those mitochondrian-looking things hanging around in shades of Tudor grey.

  9. It sounds like your dance card is quite full. Enjoy!

  10. Me me me so happy now!

    Poison ivy?

    Mr. B turned our backyard into prairie/veggie/berry haven when I wasn't looking a couple years back -- and EarthDoctor son likes to test new permaculturish ideas out there. Seems chaotic to me, but everyone who walks by raves, and one neighbor even hired a landscaper to achieve the same look. Good lord, what is the world coming, too. Whatever happened to tiers of railroad ties?

    Kidding. Actually I graze out there for dinner sometimes, as do the hoards of rabbits this year. We need a cat lady in the neighborhood!

    Hope your mother's mending; sure gets harder in the 80s, eh?

    Oh, and hope you do Nance suggests!

  11. Dear Distracted, you sound Busy ! Isn't it terrible how real life can prevent one from blogging full time ? But hey, yards and houses and children and mariages need work too... otherwise one ends up like Amy Winehouse in the news today : Divorced. Well, maybe she didn't work too hard on her mariage, I don't know, it's tough when one or both are in and out of jail or rehab clinics...

    Sounds like you're having some fun though... and some less fun... our daughters had us watching the Tudors too, but slogging through medical textbooks in the summertime doesn't sound easy... good luck getting to page 13 and 14... :-D

  12. " With the assistance of several federal mediators from Washington we've reached a compromise" Ha! I love that statement! That sounds like the machinations that are required for my hubby and me to come to agreement! Love your blog...

  13. this old house (1830's ish) has a metal roof. We love it. Nothing beats the sound of rain on the roof. All we do is keep it painted. But then , it's v-e-r-y old. It might be easier with the new ones.

  14. I just finished rereading The Autobiography of Henry VIII. Isn't it fantastic! I, too, am obsessed with all things Tudor. Don't have Showtime anymore, so I'm eagerly awaiting Season 3 on DVD!


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