Sunday in CinCity

Well, we missed the annual and fabulously phenomenal Northside Fourth of July Parade in order to make it down to CollegeGrrrl's Grandma's house for Gma's birthday/picnic celebration. It's a fairly short drive along the interstate to arrive at a manmade "country" environs with wild turkey and deer alongside the roadway. Grandma is 76 this year, looks much younger, and revels in this patchwork family that has been created through children, divorces, and second marriages. It works for us.

I found these parade highlights on youtube. No videos found of the Lawn Chair Brigade or the Men's Drill Team...if I find them, I will post them.

We made it home in time to see some fireworks on the horizon briefly light the sky. It was a rainy, foggy evening though and difficult to get much height before fizzling out.

Walked over to the cemetery down the street where our neighbors had some action going. Lotsa noise and smoke, but come on, fireworks in a graveyard is always fun with the spookiness added in for free.

There won't be any striking at Big Fat Teaching Hospital. The nurses' contract was ratified by the union membership by 75%. I think a fair amount of folks are disappointed in the current hospital leadership and the direction they're presenting for patient care, but feel unable to vote with their feet.

I'm still looking into travel nursing and am using this time to get some ducks in a row. I'd really like to get HoneyHaired through high school. So for right now, I'm staying put, getting some more competencies under my belt, and keeping my eyes and ears open. Hubby and I are excited, though about getting out and seeing different areas of the country. Coming soon to a town near you...and all that.

Hope everyone had a happy holiday &/or weekend and that not everyone's fireworks were rained out. If so, there's always Labor Day.

And, I can't resist...

Elvis has left the building:>)


  1. Well, between now and Labor Day, there's still Bastille Day; Paris usually gets some pretty good fireworks for that along the Seine near the Eiffel Tower.

    Fireworks in a cemetery ? Now that is surprising... hopefully the long term residents there didn't mind the noise ? Never a dull moment at Tidings. Hope you find a good solution to the employment question... where there is a will, right ?

  2. Sorry about the lack of good outcome for the labor issues, and sorrier still for the state of medical care in the U.S. Hope you find good options opening up as the young ones move along into their adult lives. Hang in there!

  3. Hi Distracted. I've finally worked out how to send a message, just to say thanks for your blog. I love your poetry, visuals and take on parenthood, politics, work and the ebb and flow of life. Please add Australia to your travel plans! Gimme a call if you do and I'll put the kettle on...

  4. Travel nursing sounds exciting, but for now I'm glad you're not out of a job. We've thought of doing the same thing with my husband taking a job out of the country with an option of me working as a nurse for the state department. Flu shots, blood pressure checks, that kind of thing. Sounds cushy, doesn't it?

    Doncha just hate the bean counters? Last year when our health system they laid off a slew of employees, many of them key personnel, they had the area accounting firm of Dumb and Dumber make the decisions on who should be let go. Now how can an accountant decide a health care professional's value on anything other than the cost of keeping them in their jobs.

  5. Elvis may have left the building, but has the fat lady sung?

  6. No rain here, but no fireworks, either. No money. Sigh. Our contract is still in negotiations, and the Admin. has decided to play hardball.

    GWB's recession--the Gift That Keeps On Giving.

  7. *laughing at Debra's comment*

    Fireworks in a cemetery - love it! How unique!

    Travel nursing - this I am waiting to read about.

  8. Glad your week-end went well! belated fourth of July wishes!...

  9. Do you have an MPH? That would be quite the combo for a nurse who travels. Would you travel internationally?


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