Saturday in CinCity

Miles: Prince of Darkness

by Philip Bryant

I remember my father's stories
about him being cold, fitful,
reproachful, surly, rude, cruel,
unbearable, spiteful, arrogant, hateful.
But then he'd play
Some Day My Prince Will Come
in a swirl of bright spring colors
that come after a heavy rain
making the world anew again
and like the sometimes-tyrannical king
who is truly repentant of his transgressions
steps out onto the balcony
to greet his subjects
and they find it in their hearts
to forgive him for his sins
yet once again.


  1. Are you talking about Michael Jackson here, LOL!

  2. Very nice blog. Jazz, poetry, quotations (I hope I use the right words in ENglish ?!?!?!?). I will follow with interest and pleasure. Have a nice week end, ITalo.

  3. Holy moly, Bat(wo)man!

    Now you are singing my song, in spades (no tacky pun intended)!

    I LOVE Miles Davis, Le F gave me "Kind of Blue" as a gift one day.

    I love you, too.

  4. Sorry I've been AWOL for a while ....

  5. Thanks for digging these out, lovely post.


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