This Remains a Work in Progress


and a most companionable moon followed me
home from my shift at the human industrial plant
where I repair bad brains and injured lives.
We drove as partners
through the curving streets of the neighborhood,
yellow-flamed windows beckoning
as the dust of the day loosened
and lifted,
landing on the half opened car window
before blowing back into the world.
We passed the last dog walks of the evening.
I raise a hand in greeting to all
knowing how quickly their arcs too could be felled.
The moon, my constant, and I leave with him
the remains of this day
for illumination.


  1. Really nice poem, great images.

  2. Fantastic poem and an unbelievable photo; moon was particularly beautiful last evening.

  3. i can totally relate to this one... glad you found me and to be connected across space...

  4. Uh huh. Putting pretty words on this subject will not change the curse that accompanies this full moon. Thanks for trying though. I was very moved.

  5. Beautiful Picture! I love taking pictures of the moon... this one is exceptional! :)

  6. I really like taking this poetic journey home with you.

  7. You look at things so differently - brought a really sad smile to my face.

  8. I could picture the scenes though your words and the metaphor to life is not lost...

  9. The Muse has returned. This is beautifully expressed. I received a call last week from the lady in England to whom I had sent a paper copy of your piece about the bowling alley closing. She loved it too.

  10. Well done!!!! Having the moon at one's shoulder can be such a comfort...

  11. The full moon can be the best of friends...

  12. Ah, so lovely. What's unfinished?

    Ever heard Greg Brown's song about his daughters?

    [cue music]

    "When my daughter who is tall now was not so tall,
    One night we were drivin' home in the truck and I was sad
    because I was busted and disgusted,
    And she looked out the window and said, "Dad, the moon is comin' home
    with us."
    She said, "Dad, the moon is comin' home with us."

  13. English Rider is right! the muse is back, love it!smiles.

  14. Lovely images raised by this poem! I like the pictures of your journy home. I wonder what you feel is unfinished about it.


  15. Stunning, this one. I love that "before blowing back into the world." That is such a minute notable in comparison to the hugeness of the moon. Very lovely.


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