I May Not Be A Rock Star, But I'm A Damn Fine Back-Up Band**

If, by some miracle or fairy godmother, you were a rock star who would you be??

The one and only, the irreplacable, the incomparable...ladies and gentlemen, I present to you--

The Funk Brothers

**idea stolen from http://www.citizenofthemonth.com/ . Sorry, never said I would be Mother Theresa or Ghandi.


  1. "I Can't Help Myself" but my response to your question would have changed decade to decade. This decade I'd be Brandi Carlile.

  2. "Christ, because he changed my heart.

    "When you turn your heart and your life over to Christ, when you accept Christ as the savior, it changes your heart. It changes your life. And that's what happened to me."

    Oh was that inappropriate? It was when Bush wussed out on that answer.

    Hendrix. 69. Star Spangled Banner.

  3. It is always appropriate to quote a "Bushism." That's why God made him our president. God and the Supreme Court. God likes funny little sayings as much as we do.


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