Hey...The Song Says, "She Works HARD For The Money"

Sad to report, below is the headline of this morning's newspaper. Apparently there was no other news IN THE WHOLE WIDE UNIVERSE.

'Body rubs' leads to arrests.

"...According to Detective Jim Nesbit, detectives found that those women were linked to Web sites such as eros-ohio.com and craigslist.com, as well as publications such as Yellowbook and CityBeat, where they were advertising their services for massages and escort-type services.
'Prostitution has always been around in different ways,' Nesbit said. '(Customers) used to have to go to a seedier outlet, like a street corner.
'But online, they can do it in their own home, in a protected setting.'"

You know, back in the day hookers had to walk 5 miles to work, all uphill, in a snowstorm, and hang out on the corner of Liberty and Vine by the old White Castle's where they could get beaten and robbed and arrested. Let's get back to some good old-fashioned values, Sharonville, and crack the whip on crime. Just don't charge for the cracking the whip part.


  1. LMAO.

    These women are just holding onto cherished family values: working from home.

  2. v-grrrl-:-). Women still have to fight for everything they get, don't they?

  3. Work from home, work outside of the home...somebody always has a complaint...who remembers the "I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan" commercials?? :>)


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