Two Girls. Two Choices To Make

We have two girls. Two girls who are rapidly growing into women. So the option of a vaccine that could deter cervical cancer was very welcome news to me, their mother. Now the New England Journal of Medicine is kinda shaking things up a little with their less than robust opinion of the
HPV vaccine and telling us all to slow our rush to judgement and vaccinations. Slow down and wait and see?? That I can do. Keep my two girls in a bubble and keep them from growing up and out...that I cannot do.

For anyone else out there who might be interested, take a look at the NEJM article and see what you think., in case I failed again at link=word, but I think I might have gotten it :>). If so, gonna call it a night.


  1. I used to get a newsletter from Christiane Northrup, MD. She has been skittish about the vaccine from the get-go. If I locate a link to what she has to say about it, I will let you know.

  2. Thanks, would appreciate more input, esp for my younger daughter. College girl has made her decision, but she can benefit from the outliers to be alert for.


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