Assignment #1: Write a poem about Baseball and God

by Philip E. Burnham, Jr

And on the ninth day, God
In His infinite playfulness
Grass green grass, sky blue sky,
Separated the infield from the outfield,
Formed a skin of clay,
Assigned bases of safety
On cardinal points of the compass
Circling the mountain of deliverance,
Fashioned a wandering moon
From a horse, a string and a gum tree,
Tempered weapons of ash,
Made gloves from the golden skin of sacrificial bulls,
Set stars alight in the Milky Way,
Divided the descendants of Cain and Abel into contenders,
Declared time out, time in, stepped back,
And thundered over all of creation:
"Play ball!"


  1. Ah - most excellent! The sport I love best is baseball - & I got to watch the Braves opener against the Phillies last night - & they WON! Is the dismal team of last year gone? Opening day is all about hope...

  2. what a wonderful poem about a wonderful game....go red sox, faithfully yours, jack c

  3. Beautiful!
    Just like last night's game!!!!
    Yeah Braves!
    Take me out to the ballgame....

  4. Time to bring on the boys of summer. First things first though-NCAA basketball championship tonight. Go Sparties.

  5. Fantastic! As a baseball lover and a poetry lover, I'm in heaven!

  6. It's opening day here in the NE part of the state, too. Figures. It's snowing.

  7. It's cool that you posted about opening day. Think I shall rent The Natural soon; it's one of my favorites and it's been ages since I saw it.....nearly as long as since I've seen a baseball game in a stadium.

  8. thanks for your comments. and just which team do you follow? i probably mentioned this before but i do love your blog....very creative. see ya around, jack c

  9. Baseball, poetry and religion. That's quite a handful of dogma and rules. Can I at least have a hot dog?

  10. Being English, I am of course, genetically incapable of understanding the rules of Baseball (it looks like a more complex version of our Rounders game). That said, I did love the poem. My verifcation word is PLATE!!! Can you believe it? Spooky!

  11. I love your knack of finding just the right poem---I hope this moment speeds the coming of spring and days of sunshine watching baseball games, picnics and long walks!

  12. As always, thanks for the comments. They're much appreciated. Bugs has it spot on that Opening Day is all about hope. Still looking for hope here in CinCity since the Reds lost...and there are snow sprinkles.
    Lola, hot dogs and a beer are a requirement:>)


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