Have Not Heard This Song In A Million And One Years...

For those old enough to remember, enjoy.


  1. Oh Lord, thank you!
    You have takin' me down memory lane....not that I am old enough...just sayin'

  2. Groovy...does recognizing a lot of the visuals count? Thanks for the fun!

  3. I don't remember that song, but then I MAY have inhaled (passively, of course) once or twice.

  4. I remember many of the songs within the song...I could never do it without taking a breath!

  5. That's brilliant!.. I can't believe someone managed to decipher all that.. well.. most of it anyway!.. I love a nice piece of cheese, cheers!

  6. Wow! Too cool. In the words of the immortal Bob Hope, "Thanks for the memories..."

  7. Now I can't get this song out of my head! Thanks!

  8. P.S. I love your site. I just started blogging last month; Cheaper than therapy...I just wanted you to know I borrowed some ideas, not words, i.e. the h.i.p.p.a. statement. Ha! Gotta love it. I would love to know how you got the whole page on your blog and not just the center portion. Thanks :)

  9. Like Southern Drawl... thanks for the memories.

  10. I'd like to say I barely remember this song, but that would be a flat-out lie. There used to be a radio program here on Friday nights--the programming was a variation of the "B" side idea. They played the songs on the albums that came right after the popular radio-played song of Led Zeppelin, Carly Simon, Eagles,etc.
    Songs you haven't thought of forever and wind up singing all the words.
    *Bette's Bags--you're welcome. I promise not to post the truly insidious ones like Steve Martin's "King Tut." Well, that one I might...:>)
    *Southern Drawl--welcome and thank you. Don't know if this helps, but if you click on CUSTOMIZE on your blogsite, and then on the far right tab, PICK NEW TEMPLATE, on the second row there is a template called MINIMA LEFT STRETCH and it has a couple of different options. As far as borrowing, I believe in the nursing biz we call that reallocation of resources:>) Borrow away, and enjoy!

  11. Ahh! The end of Life On Mars.

    Bummer huh?

  12. And Grrrrrr - The Man and I had this song in our heads for 2 days after watching this vid.

    I woke up singing the damn thing!!


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