Spring Fever??

Worst night and day in "the history of the hospital" in terms of trauma admissions. Warm weather brings in all the motorcycle, motor vehicle, unsteady ladder, falling off roof accidents and the continuation of a gang disagreement brings in the gun shot wounds. I'm going to bed. I suggest you all do so. And, stay there:>)


  1. Just the natural thinning of the herd.

  2. Beautiful photo of the moon!!! Warm weather does seem to bring out the good, the bad, & the ugly!
    Nighty nite!

  3. here's hoping your sunday is uneventful...perhaps a crossword puzzle and lounging in the backyard

  4. Beautiful photo...funny how the coming of spring effects people in different ways. Then, I recall once, three days after a major blizzard buried much of the East Coast, hearing on TV that there had been no murders, rapes, or assaults reported in New York, Philadelphia, or Washington D.C. in three days....

  5. I don't know if anyone else ever says it to you, but, I would like to say that I appreciate very much your taking the time to share small slices of your work life with us.

    Your candid descriptions of the prosaic events that result in irrevocably altered lives, if not death itself--"the world's worst headache," unattended people on ladders, chairs, and roofs, motorcycle and auto accidents-- always make me feel more attentive to small choices that others make and more responsible for the choices that I make in everyday life.


  6. Oh, my, worse than the day with the humveds?

    Hope swine flu hasn't paid a visit to CinCity.

    Make sure you get some Tamiflu to go with your Advil.

    Sending restful thoughts...take care of YOU.

    And the moon shot is lovely, such a comfort always.

  7. Wonderful photo and interesting evening...now time to rest.

  8. Beautiful shot of the moon... which brings out many different reactions from all of us!

  9. Thank God everyday is not the same!

  10. Silly season commences, over here the sun normally results in a load of boy racers smashing into each other on the roads... hope you give yourself a good rest, sending all the best things!-)

  11. When I worked in Peds many many years ago, we always knew it was spring when the 1st kid with a fractured femur would roll in. Rest well.
    I'm in and out between the garden and the mess that is called my house.

  12. Thanks for sharing this - the photo is very atmospheric. Hope you have had a restful weekend.

  13. Rest up and hope the swine flu passes you by!

  14. And it's not even a full moon. That typically brings out the crazies.

    Hope this week is better.

    p.s. Love the photo.

  15. Are we looking at people with extra stress because of the economic downturn, or the usual spring madness?

    In school lives, we get extra problems at the end of the year, starting with failure notices going home six weeks before the end of school. About now.

  16. Girl I hear you. Work in the ER of an inner city. Great blog you have here.

  17. Gorgeous moon shot!
    I hope you recovered over the weekend and that this flu thing doesn't get worse.....

  18. The photographs and writing here are stunning, just by the way. I love your writer's voice, just love it! It's been too long since I last called by but tonight is catch-up night.


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