Officials Say Swine Flu Cannot Be Contained

Loading a Boar

by David Lee

We were loading a boar, a goddam mean big sonofabitch and he jumped out of the
pickup four times and tore out my stockracks and rooted me in the stomach and I
fell down and he bit John on the knee and he thought it was broken and so did I
and the boar stood over in the far corner of the pen and watched us and John and I
just sat there tired and Jan laughed and brought us a beer and I said, "John it aint
worth it, nothing's going right and I'm feeling half dead and haven't wrote a poem in ages and I'm ready to quit it all," and John said, "shit, young feller, you aint got started yet and the reason's cause you trying to do it outside yourself and aint
looking in and if you wanna by god write pomes you gotta write pomes about
what you know and not about the rest and you can write about pigs and that boar
and Jan and you and me and the rest and there aint no way you're gonna quit," and
we drank beer and smoked, all three of us, and finally loaded that mean bastard
and drove home and unloaded him and he bit me again and I went in the house
and got out my paper and pencils and started writing and found out John he was


  1. Absolutely. Amen.

    Again may I say, you find and relay just the most interesting tidbits.

  2. Who is David Lee? or any other people you feature on your post? Are these writers you enjoy or friends who guest on your blog? Please clarify for us.

    This piece of writing is right of there with the best I've read!

  3. Dear Lakeviewer--I wish these poets were friends of mine, but I fear my self esteem could not withstand the friendship:>)
    I find these published authors in various places, many from Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac, from magazines that publish a poem or two--even Oprah will have a snippet every month, quotes in other books, kind of from all over the place. Only one poem has been from a fellow blogger, Freckled Writer, whose site can be linked over on my blogliography. She is an amazing writer. In the past I posted some of my own works in progress, but learned that if you submit for publication many magazines want unpublished material and that includes the internet. Same story for the photos--they're downloaded from Google. I've not yet learned how to get my own photographs onto the computer--need the HoneyHaired Grrrl to teach me and thought I'd wait till she's out of school for the summer, although she would greatly enjoy the interruption of homework. There are so many amazing photos on Google and I try to give the name or blogsite credit when I can find it.
    So that, my dear, is my story and I'm sticking to it.

  4. I love that David Lee "pome". That's definitely the ticket... write what you know about... John said it all! This was a fantastic post!!!

  5. Now all I want is a beer, a smoke, and an effin' BLT.

  6. Excellent pome (I fear we'll all be calling 'em that from now on).
    Made me smile after a yucky day.

  7. Dang, V-Grrrl beat me to the punch line!! :)

  8. Sue-eee piggypiggypiggy. I just had to write that down. When I was a kid someone told me that's how they call pigs down on the farm. I have no way of proving or disproving this.

    Saw your return comments above about Garrison Keillor. Love him. We saw him one of our anniversaries at the Oregon State Fair. Got right up in the front row and it was such a treat. Do any other women find him immensely sexy?

  9. I love this piece of writing, is he any relation to harper lee?.. the style reminds me of to kill a mocking bird... Love the pigs!.. I love pigs, they're gits!

  10. POMES!!!
    lovin that...also, we southerners pretty much all sound the watch out fer yer grits....smiles.


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