I've Said It Before, I'll Say It Again...

...everything sounds better in a British accent.

for a better read, click on the photo.


  1. Ye gads! If that was on the up-and-up Mr. D Paul deserved the letdown!

  2. LOL......!!!.. Was just moved to tears on writerquake, now I'm laughing heartily.. i love this blog thing.. lol..cheers!

  3. You're right-it would sound better with a British accent.

  4. So that's why I'm not getting job offers...HR people don't like being called a shank ho. Who knew?

  5. There'll always be an England...

  6. I'm gonna have to remember that think about not calling somebody a "skank ho" in a job...it might explain a lot about my current lack of employment....

  7. Excellent! I love letters like this and yes it should be read in an English accent (not really any such thing as a British accent, take your pick from Scots, Northern Irish, Welsh and English :-))

  8. Hilarious. And so posh, in its clipped British accent. LOL

  9. I suspect, as you all might also, that this is a bit of a joke. Yet, it still makes me laugh. Point taken, Argent about the English accent. I'm imaging Hugh Laurie reading this out loud.

  10. Hilarious and refined! How do the British do it?

  11. this goes into my stories of recruitment and it just keeps getting better :-)


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