Saturday in CinCity With the Brainiacs

A weekend at work, with a skeleton crew...I know. I am sooooo funny I can barely contain myself. Hope your weekend is fabulous and you don't run into either of these two characters.


  1. Poor old charlie brown, I often wondered how he carries that big skull around! It's obvious now, looking at the skeletal portrait, that it's to do with the elongated metatarsals and phalanges.... Hope your week-end is a good one!

  2. You know you are funny when you crack yourself up. Keep laughing. Because then we get to laugh, too.

  3. Hey. You're supposed to keep the skeletons in the closet.

    Go forth now and heal the world.

  4. Ah, laughter, the best medicine! Now I know what all those nurses exchange with each other to keep their spirits up through long nightwatches.

  5. I laughed pretty hard when I saw that. It's a new take on Peanuts, that's for sure.


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