Make Way For Ducklings, The Spokane Way


  1. This is a wonderful story and a testament to the kindness that is part of all of us. Thanks for posting it---and for sharing the smiles.

  2. I loved that story when I saw it last night. Talk about team work!

  3. lol!... (excuse me while I stifle puking..).. only joking!... I love people! Who'd have thought, a ducking banker!!... not a ... never mind... Nice story!

  4. The Pied Piper of Spokane! Thank goodness this man was there and aware that mama duck needed help... and all the way to the lake!

  5. This entry definetely returned smile on my face, breath in lungs and happiness to be alive, as the 'good' is still alive.
    Thank you very much for sharing this.

  6. I'm so glad you posted this lovely story from my adopted hometown! This reflects one of the reasons I love living in Spokane---wonderful, kind people.
    I hope it's OK if I link to your link on my blog...


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