12hrs Down, 12hrs To Go.

Wanted to thank everyone again for the all comments and kindnesses sent my way. And please, let me dispel any concerns out there...we DO NOT eat from these plates at work. That would simply be tacky. And we don't have enough for everyone.


  1. Mismatched plates are all the rage.

  2. I love it! I dreamed of you last night, which is hard to do as I don't know what you look like, but it was you just the same :-).

  3. That is a really cool plate. how can I get one.

  4. I would have a snappy retort, but my plate is full right now.........

  5. superb plate =D

    not sure if it goes well with any meal =X


  6. Passing, we can pay a friend?

  7. wow, i would eat off that plate anywhere. awesome.

  8. LOL! Would love one for my daughter who devours zombie books and movies.

  9. Perhaps a cup with a bladder logo would be a nice addition to the set...

  10. Hrm...zombies have a singleminded determination when it comes to brains. That's a fairly potent statement.

  11. So glad to encounter your blog. Anyone who posts Desiderata, and George in their sidebar gets more than a sideways glance from me. And brains, too!

    I'll be back!

  12. The Zombies called...you found their missing dinnerware!

  13. Thank you for not posting that plate picture with actual cow brains on it.

    And speaking of zombies, I was visiting Victoria this last fall and accidentally came across a flash mob gathering of zombies right outside city hall. Amazing.

  14. HA! This is my new favourite saying. lol

  15. kool. . .http://sidewayz-thedriftphilosophy.blogspot.com/

  16. Interesting plate. Congrats on being Blog of Note.

  17. the plate definitely gives me the willies but then I was just reading about what can happen to people if they eat squirrel brains.....

    uh oh, a spammer's got you.... the other day I had 30 'comments' from perhaps the same one going way back to posts I posted even more than a year ago. I was quite busy with the delete forever button! all the link-ish-ness makes me paranoid....

  18. I absolutely love this plate!!!!!

  19. what a wonderful blog, just happened upon you, will be back, jc

  20. OMG, I love this plate....love it, love it, love it. Why? Because my 32 year ould daughter had brain surgery to remove a tumor on Feb. 17th that was found on Jan. 26th. She shuffled in with a cane and wearing a diaper and walked out with no cane and no dfiaper on Fe. 25th. I found your site by buzzing along at blogspot. Please tell me where I can get such a plate, we love zombies. She would LOVE this plate.


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