"...you'd never know it, but buddy I'm a kind of poet..

..and I've got a lot of things I wanna say.
And if I'm gloomy, please, won't you listen to me
till it's all, all talked away.

Well, that's how it goes,
And Joe, I know, you're getting anxious to close.
So thanks for the cheer,
I hope you didn't mind
my bending your ear...

CollegeGrrrl has come home and gone already. Came for the ballet on Saturday--the Distracted Grrrls have a subscription this year for three seats in the nose bleed section. The ushers are very nice and usually let us slip down to unoccupied seats closer to the stage. Yesterday's performance was touted for The Sinatra Suite which was quite nice. It's Old Blue Eyes, can't go wrong there. However, it was two other performances that blew me away, La Belle Danse choreographed by Jessica Lang and World Citizen, choreography by Devon Carney. Those two dances were spirit-lifting, transcending. If you hear of either ballet coming to your hometown go and see them.

This morning, I've just returned from Pilates, taken my Advil, and am waiting for CollegeGrrl's call to let me know she's arrived safely. HoneyHaired is finishing her required reading about Hester Prynne and that terrible sorrow of a life and we're trying very hard not to laugh at our silly dog barking in his sleep. If she can finish a bit more of the book there may be time for us to push out from under the heavy leaden sky pressing down on our eyeballs. Perhaps a pizza in our future as a just reward.


  1. Sounds like the visit was good even with the heavy skies

  2. It always sad when they leave. She'll be back soon.

  3. World Citizen is wonderful---ethereal and magical. I love the costuming and lighting as well.
    We are in a similar weather pattern up north. It shifts between cold wind and rain, to cold wind and sun.

  4. Thank you for posting this! My dad is Devon and I'm away at college (so i didn't get to see "world Citizen"). This gave me a taste of what it looked like. I can't wait to see it someday. Glad it was so well received and that you enjoyed it. Cheers!

  5. That's amazing! Please let him know the audience loved it. Beautifully choreographed and well done. Now go study:>)

  6. Ouch. Pilates.
    When I grow up, I plan to be a ballroom dancer. And a chanteuse like Suzy Diamond in The Fabulous Baker Boys. And a surgeon like Atul Gawande and travel around the world, especially India, and learn how amazing doctors overseas do their work.
    Till them I'll watch old episodes of Dancing with the Stars.
    And blog.
    Thank you for the gorgeous dance snippets!

  7. My one regret in life is NOT having seen Sinatra at a live performance.


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