Hubby's Up and Moving...

The Friday the 13th Edition--AGAIN

please note: I'm pretty sure this photo is from Vengeance of the Zombies, but could just as easily be my living room and Revenge of the Man Cold.


  1. i feel that ways some days, doesn't everybody?....jc

  2. Your blog is the classiest, most inspiring, deadliest, livingest, most viral, most nourishing


    Forgive me my enthusiasm; but I've been suddenly smitten, not by an artist, a writer, a photographer, a poet. But, a nurse, a person who is close to death every single second of her life.

    May you be the angel I see when nothing around me is alive.

    Thank you.

    SO FAR.

  3. How can I top a comment like Lakeviewer?

  4. Gail, you could make it Best blog in 2009!

  5. Pretty grim sight. when someone looks like that at my house, I want to be the queen of clorax, then murphy's oil soap AND open the windows!

  6. Thanks for the comments. Hubby's been looking a tad grim despite my homemade chicken soup(contains a bottle of beer). Next comes the clorox wash up.
    lakeviewer--thank you for your accolades. I'm overwhelmed...! One small correction, I only work three days/week so not ALL of my seconds are spent next to death, the damn stalker. I know what you mean though. Again, thank you and welcome!

  7. Let's get back to talking about snot nosed men-they are the worst patients in the world, especially if you're married to one. If mine would just take to bed when ill, all would be well. But no, he can't do that. His feelings are that misery loves company and so he shares with all of us.

    I'm gobsmacked by your readership. You must be one tired chickie trying to do the blog rounds.

  8. I see there's a huge difference between Man Cold and Mancake!

  9. Love the comments of the commentators. They are deserving sorts, hard working and good judge of characters-like the lazy men we might find in our living rooms waiting for the good lady to return from work and cook him dinner.

    Ladies, we spoiled them as boys. Now we have them as grown-ups, wishing they were still boys.

    I blame myself for everything that I tolerated. I have earned the pleasures and the pains. Now, if I could only pass on some good advice to the unmarried.....

  10. Deep. It's very grounded. I'll be like that one day..only shorter..and maybe more scary and cynical!

  11. Hello, and may many shiny objects come your way. Be choosy: being easily distracted by shininess myself, I have had to learn the hard way to pick up only the best. My pouch on coming home is discovered to be full of dross. Discerning quality is very much an art at which I am but a dabbler.

    Fine blog, with much heart. Thank you for being part of colours in the kaleidoscope that bewilders us all.

    PS: The Desiderata poem ought to have a citation. It was written by Max Ehrmann.


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